However, these are variations of the fact that all Palestinians living under Israeli rule are treated as inferior rights and status of Jews living in the same area. " The lived experience of Palestinians in blockaded Gaza mobile phone number list is different from that of Palestinian subjects in the West Bank, permanent residents in East Jerusalem, or Palestinian citizens within sovereign Israeli territory. However, these are variations on the fact that all Palestinians living under Israeli rule are treated as inferior in rights and mobile phone number list status to Jews living in the same area.
" The lived experience of mobile phone number list Palestinians in blockaded Gaza is different from that of Palestinian subjects in the West Bank, permanent residents in East Jerusalem, or Palestinian citizens within sovereign Israeli mobile phone number list territory. However, these are variations on the fact that all Palestinians living under Israeli rule are treated as inferior in rights and status to Jews living in the same area."
HRW's decision to use the term mobile phone number list "apartheid" and to describe Israeli policies towards Palestinians as "persecution" also comes weeks after the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced the opening of an investigation into alleged crimes committed by Israel. (and also from Hamas) since 2014 in the occupied territories. A decision that the current Israeli prime minister, the one investigated for corruption Netanyahu, crudely described as "anti-Semitic."